Midterm grades will be given next week (July 1st) and it will be based on:
1. Figure/Ground drawing
2. In-class drawing exercises
3. Two sketchbook requirements
There are a few students who are beginning to slack off and arrive late, leave early and disappear for long periods of time during the class, make excuses about leaving work behind someplace, arriving without your materials...this is not the way to learn nor to earn a good grade in the class. Half of the work comes from just showing up on time and doing the work I ask you to do. It takes focus and dedication and when you use those specifics as guides then you'll learn all the basics of drawing. This class is about drawing and learning to use tools and drawing concepts to compose artwork. Do not take it lightly. Since this is my favorite class that I get to teach each year I take it very seriously and expect you to do the same. Please let me know if you have any questions about the specifics of this class and the expectations. It's all in the course syllabus so make sure you re-read it.
Each of you should be trying to produce work in your sketchbook which will carry you into the next phase of the class as we strategically proceed to add more and more ways to use your drawing tools. From Positive/Negative Drawings to Value Drawings to Line Drawings, each of you should be concentrating on forms and shapes and the experience of drawing. Take your time to draw in your sketchbooks.
Make sure each time you begin class that you have the correct tools laid out for your use during the class. If you have your drawing tools stored away in another part of the room then you will more than likely NOT to go get the tools when you need it most. Have your tools readily available to your needs without too much extra effort to find them. Be prepared to use any tool to draw throughout the studio experience of drawing.
Thanks to everyone in the class for allowing me to post your work and your studio experience on the course blogsite. If at anytime you wish for me to remove any images from this site I will be more than happy to do so at your request. I think that for you to see yourself (an artistic visual of you drawing in the studio) the idea of yourself as an "artist" becomes ingrained into your psyche and thus you actually start believing you are indeed "an artist."

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