Prologue to Summer Drawing:
Thanks to each of you for giving me the responsibility and the pure pleasure of assisting you in your quest to learn to draw this summer. Some of you already knew how to draw but perhaps the time spent in the studio allowed many of you to "see" better and learn some new drawing techniques. Anyone who teaches is delighted when students become artist and artist become creative citizens of the world. Many of you are approaching that status even now.
Keep drawing and allow yourself the time to just be creative in your lives. It doesn't matter how your creativity weaves itself into your individual lives, just as long as somehow you keep that creative spirit alive.
A wonderful book which actually changed the course of my life is The Artist Way by Julia Cameron. A book about leading a creative life with ways to make this experience even more rewarding. I was 35 when I read it and perhaps I was "ready" to hear what the book was trying to deliver to me in it's overall message. You have to be ready to "hear" and open to the possibilities in order for anything to become important in your life. Otherwise it falls on deaf ears. Give it a read and follow the exercises and I think you'll be surprised by it's outcome.

It's easy to say your an artist but much harder to lead the life of an artist.
Enjoy the rest of your summer and keep drawing. If you ever want to meet with me about anything regarding your academic or artistic life don't fail to give me call.